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Book Roselyn Teukolsky - AP Computer Science A EPUB, PDF


This updated manual presents computer science test takers with Three AP practice tests for the Level A course, including a diagnostic testCharts detailing the topics for each test questionAll test questions answered and explained A subject review covers static variables, the List interface, Integer. MAX_VALUE, and Integer. MIN_VALUE. The practice exams contain several new questions on two-dimensional arrays and reflect the new free-response style used on the 2012 AP exam. An optional book with CD-ROM presents two more model AP exams with answers, explanations, automatic scoring for multiple-choice questions, and a scoring chart. BONUS ONLINE PRACTICE TEST Students who purchase this book or package will also get FREE access to one additional full-length online AP Computer Science A test with all questions answered and explained.", This updated manual presents computer science test takers with-- Three AP practice tests for the Level A course, including a diagnostic test Charts detailing the topics for each test question All test questions answered and explained A subject review covers static variables, the List interface, Integer. MAX_VALUE, and Integer. MIN_VALUE. The practice exams contain several new questions on two-dimensional arrays and reflect the new free-response style used on the 2012 AP exam. An optional book with CD-ROM presents two more model AP exams with answers, explanations, automatic scoring for multiple-choice questions, and a scoring chart. BONUS ONLINE PRACTICE TEST : Students who purchase this book or package will also get FREE access to one additional full-length online AP Computer Science A test with all questions answered and explained.

AP Computer Science A by Roselyn Teukolsky download TXT, DOC, PDF